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Eventos 2024
septiembre 25 - 26.2024
ENERH2O | Energy and Water Innovation & Technology
SAVECO Ibérica
Porto, Portugal
Hall N 1- Stand 167
ENERH2O - Energy and Water Innovation & Technology is a specialized Business-to-Business event that fills a gap in the market and presents, in an integrated manner, the latest solutions and innovations for the management and use of water and energy. This specialized Business-to-Business event fills a gap in the market and presents the latest solutions for the management and use of water and energy. It aims to be an important business platform for the industrial sector of water and energy technology. It brings together a complete range of equipment, products and services, offering novelties and intelligent and innovative solutions. Energy and water are indispensable resources for life and well-being, and for economic and social development. Currently the climate changes, the search for sustainable development, scarcity of resources and geopolitical changes have had strong implications. This leads to a new paradigm that requires a behavior change related to efficient resources management, in the public and private domains. ​Regarding this, R&D and technology play a major role to improve efficiency and sustainability in the use of these resources.

octubre 01 - 02.2024
SALON DEL GAS RENOVABLE | Renewable Gas Trade Fair
SAVECO Ibérica
Valladolid, Spain
Stand 245 A
The event has the support of numerous firms that offer technology, financing, innovation, production, transport and distribution, marketing, technical management and engineering, in other words, everything necessary to develop a turnkey project from the beginning or participate in a project that has already started. Exhibitors will have the unique opportunity to contact professionals seeking technology, investors with projects, waste managers and producers, and all those committed to developing the production and use of biogas and biomethane in Europe. The organization offers turnkey stands and many other options to personalize this commercial and positioning action among the leading firms in the incipient sector in Spain. The demand for gas is very high in Spain and throughout Europe, the #RENEWABLEGAS sector should only worry about producing with guarantees and quality. The current situation of the fossil gas market, with prices constantly rising, uncertainty regarding the stability of supply and skyrocketing emission rights, is forcing the energy transition to be accelerated. Biogas in Europe Currently, in The European Union there are more than 20,000 biogas and biomethane plants with a production of 18.4 bcm of energy, which represents 4.5% of gas consumption in the EU. At present, the more than 1,300 biomethane operating plants produce 3.5 bcm but more plants are under construction with the aim of multiplying their production by 10 and contributing 35 bcm to the European energy system in 2030. ​​Biogas in Spain Industry experts predict that by the end of 2023 Spain will have 12 biomethane plants in operation and another 30 will be in proyect phase.

Salon del gas renovable
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